Open Call: ScreenDance Miami Festival 2025
Miami Light Project invites dancers, choreographers, movers, and filmmakers from around the world to submit their dance films for ScreenDance Miami Festival 2025! Submissions for the 2025 festival are now being accepted! The panel convenes in October and applicants will be notified via e-mail in December.
ScreenDance Miami highlights choreographers and directors who are working with emerging and new concepts in movement and dance on film and dance on camera. ScreenDance Miami seeks to engage the public and bring to light an understanding of this adventuresome, exciting art form.
Online submissions begin Thursday, June 20, 2024 and the deadline to submit is Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 11:00 PM EST.
1. All Individuals must submit a completed entry form on Submittable by no later than Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 11:00 PM EST.
2. Your submission must be a final version of your film. Working or in-progress versions will not be accepted.
3. Video link should be password protected and downloadable. Click HERE for instructions on how to create a Vimeo account.
4. Upon acceptance to participate in the festival of ScreenDance Miami 2025 the film cannot be withdrawn.
5. After official selection you will be asked to send publicity material (i.e., still images) free of rights. This material may be used for promotional purposes of ScreenDance Miami, regardless of when or where.
6. By submitting your film you declare that you hold all the rights. This means you hold the rights to sharing all aspects of the film, and that you have cleared rights with the composer/musicians/dancers and any other film collaborators.
7. General scheduling and timetable of screenings are at the discretion of the festival.
8. Your film can be part of the ScreenDance Miami video library archive. If you prefer not to be part of the archive please indicate this choice on the submission form.
9. Entry of a dance film implies unconditional acceptance of regulations. Festival management will make all final decisions.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 11:00 PM EST
ScreenDance Miami highlights choreographers and directors who are working with emerging and new concepts in movement and dance on film and dance on camera. The festival has been created to support professionals in this field and to support the development of dance created for the camera. ScreenDance Miami seeks to engage the public and bring to light an understanding of this adventuresome, exciting art form.