Payal Tak (Owner of Lucid Design District)
Payal Tak does not create art to produce a masterpiece that is written up in magazines or published in art books. She has been designing her art journey to keep propelling towards new discoveries and new ideas through which she can discover the hidden personalities of color and form. Tak’s art is a reflection of her free mind. It is a liberating excursion that allows her to freely use a wide array of mediums and play with structure and form while allowing her to have an unrestricted approach towards creativity. She experiments. Tak doesn’t hold back on incorporating colors from the opposing ends of the spectrum and place them next to each other in a single painting. She uses un-textured paint to develop textures without mixing external mediums but by simply placing layers upon layers on each other, using kitchen tools to give shapes to her works. Tak enjoys fluid acrylics and is fascinated by how they react when wet. Even more fascinating is to see solid paint come a full circle when it is first converted into a fluid; then dried to a partial solid, and then leveraged in a sculptural capacity to create a fluid composition of solid paint in a structural form. A blissful observation and a keen process that she is playing with.
As Owner of Lucid Design District
Owning an art gallery is Payak Tak’s second career; the first being an intensely active 30-year career in Information Technology. In 2020, she decided to shift gears and sold the company. Since then, she has not been involved in either the company or in the Information Technology field. So, while she is considered a retiree from Information Technology now, in reality, she is anything but retired!
Tak kept her passion for art alive during the busiest years of her life. She relied heavily on creating art as her go-to activity to re-energize at the end of her workday. She has a huge studio in her house in DC and would often paint late into the night while listening to Sufi music and decompress.
All those years, Tak got by with very little sleep, but her art helped her relax and re-charge for the next workday. It cleared her head. Over the years, she has created more than 200 paintings. She’s at a stage of life where she can devote all her time to art. Not just as a passion, but also to make it a second profession as a gallerist and an artist.
Payal Tak’s Statement
Art is a liberating journey for me. I started this journey more than three decades ago. I am at a stage of life now where my every moment is devoted to art – observing it; learning; creating; destroying and recreating it; and when the day finishes, then dreaming it.
Welcome to my world.
Payal Tak, To the Core. 24×24. Acrylic. 2023.
Contact Payal Tak
Instagram: @payaltakart