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Collage By Titi Mora


“Collage” is a horizontal rectangular painting that masterfully combines various textures, earth tones, and line directions to create a harmonious composition. Inspired by the verse 1 Peter 4:10, this artwork reflects the idea that each person has unique gifts and a purpose. The verse encourages using these gifts to serve others, emphasizing that when we do so, we become faithful stewards of God’s grace.


The painting’s diverse elements symbolize the different talents and abilities each individual possesses. When viewed in isolation, each piece is significant, but it is when they come together that they form a cohesive and stunning masterpiece. This visual metaphor illustrates the beauty and strength that arise from unity and collaboration.


“Collage” serves as a reminder that by embracing and utilizing our unique gifts to serve others, we contribute to a greater whole. The painting celebrates the idea that true fulfillment and beauty are achieved when we work together, each playing our part, to create something extraordinary. It is a call to recognize and honor the divine purpose within us all, and to use our talents for the greater good.

  • Mixed media
  • Canvas: 35″ x 28″


Contact Artist Titi Mora To Purchase “Collage”.

FB-IG: @TitiMoraArt
SKU: Collage By Titi Mora Categories: ,


Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 70 × 50 × 70 cm